Fire safety expert witness across the UK and Ireland.
Unfortunately on occasions a business will find itself in court for fire safety issues and if you end up in this position it’s vital to get an expert fire safety witness.
Following a fire or an inspection by a fire service if it is discovered that fire safety requirements did not meet the legal requirements a business may find that it will face legal proceedings.
DPD Fire & Safety Consultants provides expert witness services in cases where a dispute has arisen from a fire.
Danny acts as a fire safety expert witness and more details of his experience working in the Scottish Fire Service for over 30 years can be found on our About Us Page.
What type of expert witness projects can DPD Fire & Safety Consultants help with?
Fire safety design of residential and commercial buildings;
Fire performance of materials;
Review adequacy of Fire Maintenance procedures and record keeping
Review of fire safety documentation for compliance;
Review of legal obligation compliance
Review of fire safety management
Review adequacy and reliability of fire risk assessments.
All investigation work and reporting is carried out on an independent basis. Our expert witnesses will establish the facts from physical inspection of premises, fire investigation reports, documents and other sources of evidence and provide opinion based on that information.