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Sprinkler systems to protect against fire.

Legislation to make sprinkler systems compulsory in new social housing is to be taken forward.

Housing Minister Kevin Stewart confirmed that the Scottish Government will take forward David Stewart MSP’s proposal for a Members’ Bill to make it a legal requirement for all future new build social housing properties to be fitted with sprinkler systems.

Currently all new high-rise domestic buildings, whether private or social, with a floor over ‎18 metres must have automatic fire suppression systems fitted.

Housing Minister Kevin Stewart said:

“I am very grateful to David Stewart for his work on bringing forward this important issue and gaining cross-party support for his proposal. I can confirm that the Scottish Government will implement the aim of Mr Stewart’s proposal and will bring forward legislation as soon as is practicable in this Parliamentary session.

“This is an opportunity to further improve standards in our social housing and this work will be taken forward alongside the recommendations of the two reviews of building standards and fire safety which we will consult on later this summer.

“I look forward to continuing to work together with David Stewart and the very many others who have contributed to date in order to see this legislation through.”


MSP David Stewart brought forward a final proposal for a Bill to require new-build Scottish social housing to be fitted with automatic fire suppression systems 22 May 2018.

Expanding the use of sprinkler systems in Houses in Multiple Occupancies (HMOs) that are used as care facilities, or house more than 10 people, is one of the recommendations that will be consulted on as a result of work done by the Ministerial Working Group on Building and Fire Safety since it was established last June. This will be consulted on in the coming weeks.

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